Magic Suction Mat - Purple - BS4337

Price: $7.71 Out of stock


Holds bowls as good as glue on wooden tables or plastic high chairs.  The bowl anchor aids 'baby led weaning' by encouraging independent eating. Babies starting to wean can get frustrated when their bowl movesaround while trying to eat.


The Magic Suction Mat holds the bowl in place making it easier to learn.  It also stops bowls being thrown off the table or the high chair. 

Can be used to hold bowls, yoghurt pots or glass jars.  It's compact throw stopping design is ideal for when out and about.  Potentially reducing mess and embarrasment when dining out. 

  • Dishwashable and steam sterilisable.
  • Holds baby bowl to plastic, wood or glass surfaces
  • Encourages baby led weaning
  • Stops bowls being thrown on the floor
  • Easy to clean and compact in size.